Sunday, July 18, 2010

Flood Tide

FLOOD TIDE (TEASER) from flood tide on Vimeo.

Lord knows I love music. And as of late some of that music that I love has been coming from the collaborative tunes of a band named Dark Dark Dark. And one of their members made a film called Flood Tide. Their bassist to be precise. And this coincided with another artistic venture that Swoon and many other artists were involved. A project that is a love child of the Miss Rockaway Armada. That led to an instillation at the Mass MOCA. Which led to this project in the Hudson. Where a movie was made and now this movie needs funding.

That's where Kickstarter comes in. Kickstarter is like an online telethon that you don't need to call in for. You can just donate money to a cause. But if that cause doesn't reach it's quota than any and all pledges count as nil towards whatever thing was going to happen. And with Flood Tide's Kickstarter having only 48 hours left and $2000 of 10k to go. I don't know if he will make it.

The same thing happened to a friend of mine who tried to raise money for his tickets to a musical tour in Europe. He raised 1k of 1.5 and lost all the sponsors he might have had. I hope that by some miracle Tod makes the money to keep the project alive. If not through Kickstarter than by some other means. I will be supporting it either way, but it would be nice to see such a beautiful film make its quota.

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