Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I love thrift stores. And I am known, on occasion, to patron some for no other reason than that it helps makes me feel normal. Today was on of those such days where I did that exact thing. When I walked into this thrift store I noticed two things. One was an E.T. doll like the one featured above. Which I immediately cradled underarm and did not let go of. The second was a circa eight year old boy who was doing his best to annoy the living shit out of his mother, and every other person in the store. His antics included a non stop verbal assault. Asking the most asinine questions bent only to tweak a response from his mother. He even demitted a manikin claiming it would not let go of him. Until the hand fell on the ground after his hand stopped supporting it.

I loved the kid. And as I continued my shopping and perusal of random goodies he continued his antics. Our one interaction came when I was looking over the books. He looked and saw what I had in my hand and asked, "Is that E.T.?" And I replied yes it is. Then he retorted. "You look like E.T." To which I thanked him for the comparison.

The best part was yet to come. He went over to his mother, who was literally less than ten feet away from me in this tiny store, and whispered quite audibly He's creepy. To which his mother said, "What?!"

He's creepy.
He's creepy.
And then he leaned in and whispered, still audibly to me, He's creepy.
That's rude! You should apologize."
"He didn't hear me."
Looking his mother in the face. "Sorry."

I could barely contain myself. I have never been more entertained while in a thrift store. It was awesome.

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