Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I don't know if I could ever create something as awesome as this.
"Bad Mutha Wizard" by Dave MacDowell

I don't usually put to much weight on New Year's Resolutions. I never actually participated in the practice on any regular occasion. A few years ago, however, I did in fact make a resolution that I liked. I don't know if it was all that close to the New Year when I made it, but it counted as one anyways. I decided that I would experience a wider variety of the arts.

Arts that were on that list were things like dance performances, plays, art opening, poetry readings, operas, and the orchestra. The list incorporated many things that I had either never been to or had not been to in a very long time. Without that resolution, I would have never have found out how much I love dance. I also found a couple composers though the process that I currently love.

For this year I tried to think of something that would be equally awesome to that of the previous resolution. One that would stick, but also be beneficial to my being. So with risk of copying myself, I decided that this year I would create in a wider variety of the arts. Hopefully, this will include my cobbling adventure. Which got put on pause after I found an amazing pair of dear skin soft soled moccasins that was better than what I wanted to make anyways. The list will also include wood working, ink making, book binding, tailoring, puppet making, and hopefully ceramics. I also want to do a little home brewing, but that is a whole different type of art.

I will try to keep every aspect of these new adventures up to date on here. But the reality is that, just like the previous list, there are going to be some of these new things that I find I don't like. With some of these new arts, I might not want to keep doing them. We will see which of them survive to become regular practices and which lie by the wayside.

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